Friday 11 May 2012

The unveiling of the cover

So friends,

The time has come to unveil the album cover for the debut album of the decade (as voted by the turnip people from the future). The pre-pre sales of the album have been through the roof, it has been a whirlwind keeping up with the constant bombarding of pre-pre orders, we have a team of highly trained dolphins working round the clock on waterproofed ipads.

Anyway, without further waffle...
Album cover for 'Fine', the multi trillion selling album from the future.
Well how bout that! Great job done by Dario on this one, superb cover action, a cover fitting of the great album it is sat in front of. You will be able to pre order the album from tomorrow so get your pre ordering fingers and wallets ready...there will be a special surprise for the people/animals/aliens that pre order it, but that will have to remain a secret for now (wmooh, hah, hah).

Expect more blog action tomorrow...

Peace out

[adj] - Andy D Jackson

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